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M3A1 Student Rebuttal to Instructor Feedback on M1A1

M3A1 Student Rebuttal to Instructor Feedback on M1A1

Q INTRODUCTION • Your paper should be sufficient in length to respond to the questions posed by your instructor (not including title and reference pages). • Your paper should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, in-text citations, and references for all sources following proper APA formatting. • Use the EC Library resources to properly cite your work: o APA Format Tip Sheet (Links to an external site.) o Citing Sources (Links to an external site.) o Plagiarism & Copyright (Links to an external site.) • Use the EC Library guide to conduct your research: o Business Research Guide (Links to an external site.) BACKGROUND INFORMATION In the M1A1 Short Paper: Initial Ideas and Research for the Final Project, you conducted initial research on a developed and developing country of your choice. You were provided substantive feedback from your instructor. The feedback falls into two general categories, content and formatting. For this assignment, we will focus on the content-related feedback. PROMPT Review the instructor feedback from the Short Paper: Initial Ideas and Research for the Final Project and respond to the instructor comments. Tasks: 1. Utilizing the content-related instructor feedback provided to you in the Short Paper: Initial Ideas and Research for the Final Project, conduct the necessary follow-up research and analysis to thoroughly respond to the comments. Your response should be of sufficient length to ensure you have thoroughly answered the questions and concerns posed by your instructor in their feedback. 2. Ensure you support your responses with scholarly reference material. Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Submit Assignment” in the upper right corner. Click on “Browse,” browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to the Browse button. Enter your comments, if any, in the Comments area. Click on “Submit Assignment.” Chapter 3 of your textbook discusses macropolitical and macroeconomic changes that are occurring worldwide (Hill & Hult, 2015). Democracy continues to spread throughout developing nations, yet some countries continue to rule under monarchies, communism, and other forms of government. As technology has continued to advance, the ongoing discovery of previously inaccessible minerals and other natural resources continues in developing nations, providing opportunities for significant economic changes within a country. So how does an organization that is considering expanding into the international market gain an understanding of the macropolitical and macroeconomic factors that may influence their decision on which markets to enter? Please take note of the aforementioned bullets as you select external/scholarly sources for this assignment. Tasks: Write a 2-3-page paper describing both of your country’s existing political, cultural, and economic environments. You must utilize at least three scholarly sources. It is highly recommended that you utilize the Excelsior College library to conduct your research. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long with a minimum of two references in a double-spaced document using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, utilizing APA format.

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The status of a specifically considered country’s economy might be judged by the observation as well as analysis of the macroenvironment of the country. This is because there might be a developed country’s organization like Sustainable Goods making the most apt attempts to make inroads into developing economies’ target-markets. There can be misjudgment of an organization while being in a dilemma to enter the target market of a particular developing country (Campos et al. 2020). Even if there are two developing countries desired to be selected by a successful organization like Sustainable Goods, there can be enhancement of dilemmas. This is because of the difficulty generated in the minds of the organizational managers of such successful organizations to not let any opportunity go from any developing country. In other words, the mentality of the organizational managers of an already successful organization can be ensure that the least percentage of win-win situations can be capitalized in developing countries.